Sunday, August 21, 2005

Because it is there

'Because it is there' was George Mallory's now-famous response to the 'Why climb Everest?' questions that he endured before losing his life on his third attempt in 1924 - 29 years before it was finally accomplished by Aucklander Sir Edmund Hillary and Nepalese Sherpa Tenzing Norgay. We have a good friend, Elaine, who lives in the Netherlands and visited us recently. Elaine has unknowingly provided me with my equivalent answer for all those who ask us why we are moving to the other side of the world without having secured a job or even residency. In an email yesterday, she quoted Charlotte Bronte and I find the quotation apt for describing the mixture of excitement and uncertainity within us all as we approach this new phase in our family life:
"Better to try all things and find all empty, than to try nothing and leave your life a blank"


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