Monday, December 26, 2005

Here and there and elsewhere

I suspended writing on my long-running weblog a few months back in favour of concentrating on recording our emigration experiences here.  Whilst I have never been the most consistent of bloggers, I now intend to resume blogging there as well as here and elsewhere.  Now I am settling to my new life and work routine, I am feeling the desire to be looking around the web again and writing on other subjects.  This being the case, I am pretty sure that I will now split my blogging across the two sites. 

No.8 Wire was always intended to be a collection of impressions and recollections centered around our experience as migrants in New Zealand.  This being the case, I hope to keep that focus as the core of my writing here whilst broadening it a little to include things of interest to friends and family around the globe.

bignoseduglyguy will resume where it left off - as a stream of geeky bits and bobs, comments and critiques, fun and philosophy - namely a common or garden blog.

As for writing elsewhere, I was involved in the London launch of the ever-growing Metroblogging franchise and still intend to post there occasionally as a 'foreign correspondent' though, now I have sorted shelter, food and warmth for the family, I might just have time to work on something else with Sean and the crew.  Last but not least, I still hold out a small hope for making time to work on something with my good friends Chuck, Jason and Roger.  Though we are all more than busy with our various lives, careers and families, I still fondly recall the fun we had writing for Chuck's most excellent but now-dormant


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